Central Virginia Seismic Zone Responsible For Damaging US Earthquake

Daily weather forecasts, views and news from Ireland

via Central Virginia Seismic Zone Responsible For Damaging US Earthquake.

And the message I got from my Father to let me know he was alright?

‎”Mr Brilliance” handled the earth quake with my usual high level of Competence. While checking to see what was making the refrigerator shake and rattle I discovered it was the whole house that was shaking and rattling.

Message from California born and raised Mom?

Just wanted you to know that we are fine.  There was an earthquake in Virginia today – 5.9.  I was in the dentist’s chair and was the only one there who knew what was happening!

Gotta love my parents. 🙂

Hope everyone else’s friends and loved one’s living on the east coast are doing just as well!

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